Friday 3 January 2020

Reasons for a sedentary lifestyle

Reasons for a sedentary lifestyle

Research has shown that in recent decades worldwide it has become increasingly challenging to maintain levels of physical activity sufficient for healthy lifestyles.
Among the main reasons that generate a lack of it, it is highlighted above all the presence of significant changes in most of the conditions in which we live.
In this respect, the system and environmental factors that characterise the everyday living and working conditions associated with more and more sedentary lifestyles are leading.

Extending the distance between places of residence and work or shops, as well as entertainment and leisure facilities, are increasingly leading to the use of motor vehicles and less walking or cycling.
More time than ever before, children and adolescents spend in school and other institutions, increasing their mental load at the expense of reduced time for active play and physical education.    
                                                   TECNIC FOR FITNESS

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